Monday, January 7, 2013

Orthodontist Day And Play Day!

Today is an orthodontist visit for the next bigger wire.....yuck!  But I try to remember that each new wire insertion is the next step to getting these things out of my mouth!  So bring it on doc cause I am counting down the weeks and months until you are done.

After my ortho visit I am going to be playing in my studio.  I have some cleaning up to do from my last day in here.......I don't know about you but I have to get things cleaned back up before I can get going on my project.  I tend to make huge piles of fabric when I am pulling things for a new project.  The mess just drives me nuts.  So once I am on my way with the project I have to stop and clean up some of the piles.

Again no pictures, I'll update them later.


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